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DevOps Bullshit

DevOps Bullshit Card Back.png

After finishing 1 year of Agile Bullshit - the series of LinkedIn posts Noel Warnell and I did about the Agile Bullshit cards, I had the idea to do something similar with misconceptions about DevOps. The approach would be totally different, more organically. With the Agile Bullshit cards, the idea really was to create a physical deck of cards. We started creating a list of BS statements. Then we started making drawings marching these statements. Writing about these statements only started when the card decks were for sale. It never was the intention (at least not from the beginning) to start writing about these cards, sharing our opinions.


In this case there is no physical deck - yet. I did not start creating a full list of statements. Everything happens in waves of inspiration:

  • I come up with a statement

  • I create a matching image

  • I write about the statement

  • I post my opinion on LinkedIn

  • ...

01 - DevOps all about automation.png
24 - Cannot test everything.png
27 - change fail rate skyrocketed.png
28 - long recovery time.png


Company number: 0737.419.437

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